401(k) Plan Conversion
Converting your 401(k) to a New Provider
Most companies that are considering a new 401(k) / 403(b) service provider view the conversion process as somewhat of a “daunting” process. Actually, it really isn’t. At Atlas, the heavy lifting is performed by our Client Services group and need minimal interaction from you, the Plan Sponsor once the process begins. We recommend weekly conference calls for the first few weeks to keep you in the loop as things progress. Once the blackout period begins, we are in the home stretch and begin working on finalizing the rollout schedule to your participants with both group and one-on-one education. We also offer video’s to help the rollout process and participants that may not want the initial group or one-on-one education. We also like to initiate a Participant Survey to get their feedback on the best way to get educated and understand what their wants, needs and desires are in a 401(k) or 403(b) plan.
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