401(k) Plan Review & Benchmark Analysis

What you get with a 401(k) Plan Review and Benchmark Analysis performed by Atlas: 

  1. Benchmark Analysis Reports using DOL (Department of Labor) and Lipper Data.
  2. You will receive both Benchmark Diagnostic and Efficiency Analysis Reports.
  3. Review of your Fee Structure (Administrative and Investment Fees).
  4. Fiduciary Compliance Checklist.
  5. Suggestions for 401(k) Plan improvements.
  6. Review of your Census for Tax Strategy possibilities.
  7. Review of your IPS (Investment Policy Statement) for Risk Assessment.
  8. Identify possible DOL Audit Flags.
  9. Review current communications that you have with your participants.
  10. Review Fidelity Bond coverage.

Additional Analysis by Request

  1. Employee Survey to garner excellent feedback from participants
  2. Review Census for possible Tax Strategic moves and Plan Design.
  3. Review Company Match program.
  4. Review your current ADP, ACP and Top Heavy testing results.


This “independent” report uses YOUR information* along with DOL (Department of Labor), Morningstar and Lipper databases to provide you key Benchmarking information.

Benchmarking Request

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